Blaze project
Country: Italy
Year: 2021-ongoing
Activity: R&D Innovation
Biomass Low cost Advanced Zero Emission small-to-medium scale integrated gasifier fuel cell combined heat and power plant (CHP).
BLAZE is a Horizon 2020 project to develop an innovative, highly efficient and fuel-flexible technology for combined heat and power from biomass by means of an integrated biomass gasifier and fuel cell CHP plant.
Enereco is involved as system integrator for gasification section of pilot and commercial plant, safety studies, business model, and business case
The pilot BLAZE plant is a 100 kWth dual fluidized bed biomass gasifier, coupled with a system for hot gas cleaning and conditioning for the production of a hydrogen-rich syngas and the realization of a small-scale CHP system (25 kWe, 55 kWth) via the coupling of the gasifier to SOFC.